Saudi King Brings 577-Tons Of Luggage For A Nine Day Trip
King Salman bin Abdul Aziz does not travel light. The King of Saudi Arabia is visiting Indonnesia for nine days and he’s bringing along 577-Tons of luggage. That’s right, tons.
He’s not just bringing a lot of clothes, though. King Salman doesn’t want to leave home without two Mercedes-Benz S600 limousines and two electric elevators. Considering back in 2015 he rented out all 222 rooms at the luxury Four Seasons hotel in Washington D.C., the Saudi royal’s latest travel plans shouldn’t come as too big a surprise.
As it turns out, many world leaders travel in some serious style. Even Barack Obama brought along 56 support vehicles, including 14 limousines, and hundreds of U.S. Secret Service agents when he visited Africa back in 2013.
Taco Truck Serves Lunch To People Stuck In Traffic
If you’re going to get stuck in a lunch time traffic jam, hope the people at El Tajin taco truck are stuck with you. In case you missed it, a overturned tanker brought traffic on a Seattle interstate to a standstill. That’s when El Tajin opened up and served their fellow drivers food.
“I got out and was walking around, and I see this lady walking back to her car with a to-go box,” Rachael McQuade, who was stuck in traffic for three hours, explains. “What do you do in a time like that? You got to make the best of it, right?”
As El Tajin truck owner Thomas Lopez explains, “we are ready to serve food, everywhere.”
Debt Leads To Girl Scout Cookie Brawl
How many Thin Mints can you buy with $20? Two teens in Palm Coast, Florida tried to find out and ended up in the back of a cop car.
Teen Daniel Kennedy and his 16-year-old brother, whose name was not released, went to the local Walmart where Thomas Ketchum was helping sell Girl Scout cookies. They claimed Ketchum’s daughter owed them $20 and they wanted the money. When 49-year-old Ketchum said he didn’t have the cash, the Kennedys demanded payment in cookies. They were denied, and caused a massive scene that ended with Ketchum being knocked down to the ground and cookie boxes scattered everywhere.
To make matters even stranger, Daniel and his brother were escorted their by their mom, Erin. It’s unclear if she was involved in the melee, which also included injuries to other members of Ketchum’s family. Either way, Daniel and his brother were both charged with disorderly conduct and battery. No word on if they got their $20.
Woman pretended to be a doctor:
Amy Pohlman wanted to be a doctor, but didn’t want to bother with that silly old medical school. The 48-year-old is charged with practicing as a health care professional without a license. Pohlman was hired as a home health care nurse in Florida but her employer became suspicious after they couldn’t find a valid license for her…after two years. In an even more pathetic twist, Pohlman displayed an award from the Mayo Clinic in her office. That means she had to make a fake Mayo Clinic award somehow.
Man charged with his 23rd DUI:
Unfortunately for Clinton Todd Sproles, his hobby seems to be drunk driving. The Butte, Montana man was arrested on suspicion of driving drunk…for the 23rd time. The 54-year-old was even sentenced to 240 months behind bars for his criminal and dangerous pastime. Sproles now remains locked up on felony DUI and probation violation charges for his latest DUI charge.
ICYMI: Police stop car with a parrot behind the wheel:
Authorities in Kent, England probably did a double take when they saw a car driving the road with a parrot perched on the steering wheel. After some investigating, cops discovered there was a human doing the actual driving and he explained he was returning the bird to its owner. Regardless of why, the unnamed driver was slapped with a ticket for “not being in proper control of a vehicle.”