New Sharon Spring Festival

New Sharon City Park Building 106 West High Street, New Sharon, IA

New Sharon's Spring Festival, formerly known as the Rose Festival, is a long-standing tradition and is held during the second weekend of June each year. This year's festival theme is […]

MidwestOne Bank hosts Community Blood Drive

MidwestOne Bank in Oskaloosa will host a community blood drive from 9:00am to 1:00pm on Friday, July 13th at 222 First Ave E, inside the meeting room.  To donate, please […]

Beef & Noodles benefit dinner at Oskaloosa Eagles

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Free End of the Month Meals in Oskaloosa

July 23rd, 24th and 25th at St. Paul Congregational UCC located at 501 High Ave East August 27th, 28th and 29th at First Presbyterian Church located at 405 High Ave […]

Hope Marie Live in-studio Friday, August 3rd@11:30am

Hope Marie is our featured Iowa country artist of the week on Friday, August 3rd! Tune in for live music and see what’s going on in Hope’s career!xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển […]


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