Albia Area Chamber of Commerce Valentine’s “Movie Night” Family Party

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Free End of the Month Meals

What:  Free end of the month meals Where:  St. Mary's Parish Center, 301 High Ave East When:  Monday, Feb.25, 2019 from 5:30-6:15pm No questions asked.  No reservations required.  For additional […]

Free End of the Month Meals

What:  Free end of the month meals Where:  St. Mary's Parish Center, 301 High Ave East When:  Tues., Feb.26, 2019 from 5:30-6:15pm No questions asked.  No reservations required.  For additional […]

Free End of the Month Meals

What:  Free end of the month meals Where:  St. Mary's Parish Center, 301 High Ave East When:  Wednesday, Feb.27, 2019 from 5:30-6:15pm No questions asked.  No reservations required.  For additional […]

Legrand to host Community blood drive Thurs., Feb. 28th

What:  Legrand Community Blood Drive When:  Thurs., February 28th from 2:00-5:00pm Where:  MVRBC Donor Bus, 21 B Ave W, Albia, IA Appointments:  To, donate please contact Linda Johnson at (641)932-1825 […]


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