Very Senior Citizen Gets Honorary High School Diploma
It may have taken her a little longer than expected, but Theresia Brandl did it. At 105-years-old, the Oakdale, Pennsylvania woman has gotten her high school diploma.
She originally attended Stowe High School, but dropped out to care for her sick mother. Since then, the school merged with a nearby high school, forming Sto-Rox High, which awarded her the honorary diploma.
Brandl accepted her diploma at her nursing home while donning a cap and gown. She was surrounded by four grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and five great-great-grandchildren.
The event was arranged by Twilight Wish Foundation, which helps fulfill wishes for people over 65.
Woman Survives Hit And Run With An Alligator
Only in Florida! Jennifer Rosinski managed to survive a hit and run…with an alligator. The mother of four couldn’t avoid the collision, which caused her car to flip over six times. The craziest part? She managed to escape with only cuts and bruises.
At first, Rosinski thought it was a fox that ran in front of her because it was so fast. When authorities told her it was a gator, she couldn’t believe it. “I’ve never been in a significant accident before, and the first one I’m in is car vs. alligator,” Rosinski says.“Are you kidding me?”
Man Goes To Kiss A Snake, Ends Up Getting Bitten
You can’t fix stupid and you can’t fix drunken stupidity. A man in Putnam County, Florida is now in critical condition after he decided to get too friendly with a snake. A venomous diamondback rattlesnake to be specific.
According to a friend of the unnamed victim, the man had been drinking when he was handling the seemingly calm snake. He must have been smitten with the serpent because the victim went in for a smooch.
For his trouble, the man was bit on the tongue and had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital. It’s unclear where the snake came from considering it’s illegal to keep a rattlesnake in Florida without a license. At this point, no charges have been filed.
Adults brawl during graduation ceremony:
Millennials get a bad rap when you consider the reason there was a brawl at Arlington High School’s graduation was because of pesky adults in the audience. A video from the incident at the Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tennessee shows grownups throws fists, pulling air, and pouring water on each other. Why? Rumor has it the fight started over saving seats. No students were involved in the fracas, but one woman was escorted off in handcuffs.
Man drives drunk in state police academy’s parking lot:
We all know driving drunk is stupid. But driving drunk in the parking lot of the New York State Police Academy? That’s next level. After an off-duty officer reported a suspicious man in the lot, cops investigated and ended up giving the unnamed 49-year-old man a ticket for aggravated driving while intoxicated.
Man gets arrested while wearing a hot pink bra:
Listen, we live in a time where people can wear whatever they want, but if you’re planning on breaking the law, keep in mind there’s an official police report. Buford Carroll was spotted by a fellow driver “swerving all over the road” but by the time police caught up with him, he was in a parking lot….wearing a white shirt with a hot pink bra underneath. He reportedly spelled like booze and was driving with license plates belonging to another car, which is a misdemeanor. He was also driving with a restricted license, which his girlfriend explained was a decision he made because he’s “an idiot.” We have no reason for that hot pink bra, however.