Rhino Joins Tinder
Sudan needs a lady in life, so he’s doing what plenty of people do: joining Tinder. The main difference of course is Sudan is the last male northern white rhino.
“I don’t mean to be too forward, but the fate of the species literally depends on me,” the rhino’s dating profile says. “I perform well under pressure.”
The stunt is aimed at raising the funds needed to save the species. Ol Pejeta Conservancy, Sudan’s Kenyan home, wants $9-million for research into breeding methods, including in-vitro fertilization, in an effort to save the species from extinction.
The “Most Eligible Bachelor in the World” campaign looks like it’s working. After news of lovelorn Sudan starting surfacing, Ol Pejeta’s website crashed.
Fruit Juice Floods Russian Town
Residents living near the PepsiCo factory in Lebedyansky, Russia were in for quite for a surprise when they had to deal with a flash flood…of fruit juice.
The roof of the factory collapsed, sending two tons of juice into the streets and the nearby River Don. According to a company spokesperson, two workers were stranded after the collapse, but no one was injured. Now, the company is figuring out how to clean their sticky mess up.
We Have Another Human Barbie
Believe it or not, there’s another woman in the world who wants to look like Barbie and is willing to drop serious cash in order to do it. At just 30, Ophelia Vanity has already spent $35-thousand on medical treatments that help her look more like a doll, and that’s not even including an plastic surgeries.
Vanity says she wants to get breast and butt implants and between four and six ribs removed in order to make her body look like Barbie’s.
Until then, Vanity spends three-hours doing her makeup each day, gets Botox and fillers to reshape her face, and wears contacts to make her eyes look bigger. Of course she also bleaches her naturally dark hair every two months.
As for her haters, Vanity says she pays no mind, adding “I know they just want a rise. If they really hated me, they’d look away.”
Here’s a pic:
Woman is fighting for her job after she livestreamed herself naked on her town’s Instagram:
It’s hard to keep up with changing technology, but for Lynn Dorsey, Instagram’s new live feature cost her her job. The 61-year-old tourism director in Webster Parish, Louisiana thought she was sending a striptease video to her husband. Instead, the entire town could see the 30-minute clip. Dorsey, who was using her work phone, was fired and now she’s going to court. She wants her job back and is seeking money for damages, civil penalties, and attorney’s fees.
Trio attempt to fly massive amount of drugs from California to Kentucky:
Isaac Basilio Rosas, Cedric Allen Oronce Fajardo and Robert Walter Carlson must believe in the idea of “go big or go home.” The trio attempted to fly 80-pounds of cocaine and 40-pounds of meth from California to Lexington, Kentucky via private jet. Police were given a tip about the narcotics filled plane and ended up finding a suitcase containing meth in a BMW that ran a red light. The remaining drugs were found in pieces of luggage still on board the plane.
ICYMI: Man faked a terror plot to get out of going on vacation with his girlfriend:
Motaparthi Vamshi Krishna was having an affair. He promised his mistress he’d take her on vacation. Well, the 32-year-old man didn’t want to go and instead of explaining that, he created a new email address and sent a note to airport authorities claiming he had heard men discussing a hijacking plot. After investigating, officials were able to trace the email back to Krishna’s computer and he was arrested for giving false information to a public servant with the intent to cause them to use their lawful power to the injury of another person.