Kral Named North Mahaska Activities Director

NEW SHARON – North Mahaska Board of Education recently approved Carrie Kral as activities director effective July 1. She steps in for Ryan Groom, who resigned the position earlier this spring. 

Superintendent Tim Veiseth said he is pleased with the move. Kral was selected from six applicants from both internally and externally.

“I’m super excited to see her excitement,” said Veiseth. “She is motivated to elevate all our programs and activities to the next level.”

Kral has served in the special education department for the past four years. Kral, who is a North Mahaska graduate (Carrie Long), completed her Masters in Administration and Education Leadership in January. She also received her evaluator license.

“I love my job and I love my students,” said Kral. “I like to stay busy. I was looking for another way to serve the district and my students. I am very excited for this opportunity. I felt I had the skill set to do this job.”

Kral and her family live in New Sharon. Her husband is a taxidermist and they have two children in the district ages 15 and six.

Kral admits there is a learning curve but has hit the job running even though in an interim position. Former athletic director Steve Ehret is assisting with the evening activities through June as Kral learns the ropes. She is quick to let people know she is an activities director not just an athletic director.

“I want us to serve all of our students in all our activities not just sports,” said Kral. “We want to make sure we put emphasis on good, positive experiences and work with partners in the community. I am making that a priority. The partnerships with outside groups like the North Mahaska Boosters and others is important.”

One of the tasks Kral has been working on is a consolidated calendar that will have all school activities listed. Summer activity for baseball and softball for both junior high and high school have been added to the calendar and some fall activities are in place on the calendar.

The district is looking at an application that allows instant changes across the information platforms. Previously there was a misunderstanding about whether all activities needed to be placed on Bound. That issue has finally been resolved.

Junior-senior high principal Josh McCollam said Kral is taking the job seriously.

“Carrie has jumped right in and started to make the necessary changes,” said McCollam. “She is asking the questions that need to be asked. Her organization skills is one of her strong suits.”

Both Veiseth and McCollam praised how Kral is looking at the position to help all students, not just those involved in sports.

“She really wants to focus on our students and all they are involved in,” said McCollam. “She is going to try to be aware of all the things going on and communicate it out.”

Kral also echoed that sentiment.


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