Husband Successfully Gives His Wife A Kidney For Their 20th Anniversary
Men out there, good luck topping Scott Chafian’s anniversary present. The Suffolk, Virginia man gave his wife Cindy a kidney.
Cindy suffers from polycystic kidney disease, which is when excessive cyst growth shuts down kidneys. Cindy has been on dialysis for two years but when her health began to deteriorate, her hubby found out he was a match and decided to donate his kidney to his wife, right in time for their 20th anniversary.
The couple went under the knife and the surgery was a success. Both Cindy and Scott are doing well and have set up a GoFundMe page to help pay for the surgery.
Kid Surfer Gets Photobombed By A Shark
A member of the Hassen family got up close and personal with a shark during a trip to the beach in Australia and only knew it thanks to dad Chris Hassen’s photography skills. He was snapping pictures of his 10-year-old son Eden surfing the waves of off Samurai Beach when he noticed something menacing in one of the shots.
What might have been a small great white shark photobombed Eden. “I saw the second photo and (thought) – no way,” Chris remembers. “I quickly called him in and whistled.” As for Eden, he told his dad he saw something in the water but figured it was seaweed.
The close encounter didn’t keep the Hassens out of the water for long. Chris, Eden, and his 12 and five-year-old siblings were back in the water the next day.
Woman Thinks She Can Give Sight To The Blind By Licking Their Eyeball
Hava Celebic has an unusual talent. The 80-year-old from rural Bosnia claims her tongue has healing properties. More specifically, nana Hava as she known, believes she can cure blindness by licking patients’ eyeballs.
So far Hava says she’s helped 5-thousnad people from around the world by removing foreign objects from their eyes…again, with the tongue.
Unfortunately, her kids won’t be going into the family business. As she explains, “Unfortunately I can not pass this to my descendants, because my children are too disgusted to put their tongue on someone’s eye.” Fair enough. And if it’s not already gross enough, , Hava says she’s heard people are going to cut out her tongue when she dies so they continue to treat people.
Man pleads guilty to taking a temporary break from gambling to go rob a bank:
As we previously reported, Kerry Johnson was charged with leaving the South Carolina casino he was gambling at to go rob a bank…then going back to Mardi Gras Casino to continue playing blackjack. Now, he’s owning up to it. Johnson says most of the day was a “blur,” but the 52-year-old ended up pleading guilty to second-degree robbery. He faces between five and 18 years in prison.
Thief breaks through wall of a house to get to a safe:
Why go through the door when you can take down the whole wall? Police in Buende, Germany are looking for the thief or thieves that knocked down the wall of a house, grabbed the safe inside, and fled. The home’s residents weren’t harmed, but police aren’t saying what’s inside the safe because the investigation is still ongoing.
Driver leaves a camel behind at a toll booth:
A driver in China disagreed with a toll booth employee over payment. Naturally, he responded by leaving the camel he was transporting behind at the booth. That caused a bit of a traffic jam but eventually, police found the driver, forced him to remove the animal, and pay the fine.