Teenager Could Face 30 Days In Jail For Throwing A Paper Airplane
One teenager’s stupid decision may lead to 30-days behind bars. In a story from earlier this month that’s now getting national attention, a 17-year-old at Andrews High School in South Carolina threw a paper airplane at his teacher. The student admitted to aiming for his head, and ended up hitting his teacher in the eye.
That teacher, who reportedly had problems with the student in the past, decided to press charges. The student was cited for third-degree assault and battery and later sent to a juvenile detention facility.
The unnamed minor was released on bond and is due back in court next month.
Rotten Radishes Turns Out To Be The Cause Of Town’s Bad Smell
There was something in the air Lycoming County, New Jersey. More specifically, when the wind blew a certain way, there was a smell that was “enough to make you gag.” After investigating, WNEP discovered the cause: radishes.
T.A. Seeds has been planting radishes in their fields in the winter for about five years. This winter has been particularly warm so the plants are rotting. “You know you are going to get more odor if you have this warm weather in January,” company president Taylor Doebler explains. “You are going to smell it a lot quicker.”
The smell will reportedly lessen as the weather gets colder again.
A McDonald’s Bag Has Cost One Woman $388
Police in Redcar, England take littering very seriously, just ask Katie Ritchie. The 31-year-old threw out a McDonald’s take out bag along with a carpet in an alley near her house. According to authorities, there was some proof of address stuffed in with her pile of garbage and they came looking for her.
Eight months after tossing the trash into the alley, Ritchie didn’t make her court appearance and in her absence was fined $388 total.
Local officials stand by the fine, explaining, “We will take hard action against people caught dumping litter in the borough and hopefully this case should be a warning for others not to do this in the future.”
Woman gets into fight over hair weave:
Aryanna Ieasha Reed wanted a hair piece she gave her sister back, but 24-year-old Tateeni told police she didn’t want to give it back because it was “on her head” and “didn’t want to go to work without it.” So naturally 25-year-old Aryanna attacked her sister, who, by the way, is pregnant. Aryanna has since been hit with an aggravated battery on a pregnant woman charge, which is a felony. Strangely enough, she faced that same exact charge back in 2009, but it was reduced to misdemeanor battery.
School dental program pulls three teeth from a child without parental permission:
Considering kids need permission slips to do just about anything in school, it should be common sense if you’re going to pull teeth from a nine-year-old’s mouth, you should probably check in with his parents. A dental program visiting a Baltimore City school pulled three teeth from a child’s mouth and according to his mom, Shanda Flemming, she had no idea. While she did sign a permission slip, she thought it was for a dental cleaning. Instead, her son’s teeth were pulled, causing him to miss the bus. So he had to walk more than a mile home with a swollen mouth. So far, the school hasn’t commented, but Flemming says she’s on a mission to find out how and why this happened.
Gun shaped key almost ruins man’s vacation:
If you’re going to have a gun shaped house key, you should be prepared to have a bit of trouble going through security. Henry Echevarria and his wife Lisa were set to board a Carnival cruise ship when security discovered his gun shaped house key. They Henry he couldn’t take it with him because it was a “prohibited item.” He ended up putting it in a safe with the cruise line so he could pick it up when he got off the ship. Carnival said it was the fault of their outside security company and said they would discuss it with them further. It is a silly to have a gun shaped house key? Probably. Is it silly to not allow it on a cruise? Also probably.