Man Runs 1,300 Miles In London Alone
Costin Boldisor loves going for a jog, but after his usual trips around London, he got bored. That’s when he decided to take on the entire town.
So far, he’s run 13-hundred miles, covering almost 5000 of the city’s roads. What’s more, taking this new approach made him look forward to going out for a jog. “I really enjoyed running more than I was before, it got me out far more and meant I could explore new places,” Boldisor explains. “Sometimes I meant to run eight or nine miles and ended up doing 13. I was running like it was a game, almost like Pokemon, and it made it much easier.”
Not impressed yet? The 32-year-old computer developer even created an app, Open Street Map, to help keep track of his previous runs and mark new routes. Boldisor hopes to release the app to the public soon.
Woman Buys An Egg Online, Ends Up With A Pet Emu
Who needs a dog or cat when you can have a pet emu! Charlotte Harrison bought an emu egg online for $30 and spent 47 days nurturing and incubating the egg. Now, her whole family as a new friend: Kevin.
“Having coaxed him through the birth, I feel so protective of Kevin,” Harrison explains. “I think it’s because I nurtured him through incubation to hatching and the process has similarities to pregnancy. The feeling’s mutual, he dotes on me and follows me around the house as though I’m his mother.”
The mother-of-three explains the “placid” bird loves snuggling up or playing with her children’s toys. At the moment, Kevin is about a foot-tall. Harrison figures they’ll have to move the bird outdoors when he reaches his full grown size of six-fret. For now, he’s an indoor emu.
Woman Claims She’s Allergic To WiFi, Now Lives In A Shed
For most us, finding WiFi is a godsend. For Rachel Hinks, it’s a nightmare. The British woman claims she suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity…or, a WiFi allergy.
She claims to suffer violent shakes, burning rashes and headaches when she’s exposed to electromagnetic fields and because of her illness, she’s given up her job and home and now lives in a shed.
Hinks admits she suffers from Lupus as well, but thinks that her weakened immune systems means she may be alone in her WiFi allergy, but not for long. As she puts it, “What if I’m one of the first to suffer from these symptoms because of my weak immune system, but in a couple hundred years who knows how much more advanced technology will be and how many more people will be suffering as a result of it?”
As of now, the World Health Organization doesn’t recognize electromagnetic hypersensitivity as a valid diagnosis.
UPDATE: Woman gets jail time for biting a cop’s ear:
Here’s a life lesson – if you bite part of a cop’s ear off, you’re going to spend some time behind bars. As we previously reported, Emma Wiley bit off piece of a officer’s ear during a scuffle following a bar fight in Salem, Massachusetts. Now, the 19-year-old has been sentenced to four years in jail, two-and-a-half years for mayhem and one-and-a-half for assault and battery on a police officer.
ICYMI: Man arrested for his 14th drunk driving arrest:
If nothing else, Zenon Bialokur is predicable. The 54-year-old was arrested in Macomb County, Michigan on a drunk driving charge. Well, actually, it was his 14th DUI. As if that weren’t enough, Bialokur also has 10 convictions for driving with a suspended license and 12 “current suspensions of his driving privilege” on his record. He’s now facing felony drunk driving, driving without a license, and possessing “open intoxicants” in a motor vehicle charges.
Someone stole 488 beehives:
Someone stole 488 beehives in Yuba City, California. That’s right, beehives. Lloyd Cunniff says 190,000-plus bees were taken along with their homes overnight, leaving him without income for a year. Now he only has one hive left with about 400 bees. Law enforcement is investigating. Meanwhile Cunniff is dealing with the insurance company. So if you happen to be near Yuba City, listen for a buzzing truck.