OSKALOOSA — On June 19, 2023, the Oskaloosa City Council passed an ordinance creating a new Vacant Buildings Code to go into effect July 1, 2023. Buildings which are or become vacant, partially vacant, or unoccupied must register with the city annually. Owners will provide property and contact information, an acknowledgement of applicable code standards, and an option to release information to potential buyers or developers.
Property owners will have until November 17, 2023, to register, which is then repeated annually while the building remains vacant. Buildings must also be registered within 90 days of becoming vacant or changing ownership. The city building inspector will perform an annual exterior inspection to ensure that the property is within the standards identified in Oskaloosa Municipal Code Section 15.34. The registration fee is $100.00 per building, per year.
A vacant building is any building which is unoccupied, or no person resides in the building or operates a lawful business open regularly for business. A building will also be considered vacant if it is unsecured, declared unfit for occupancy, a dangerous or dilapidated building, subject to health or safety violations, or lacks one or more utilities for 180 consecutive days. Some exemptions apply.
Recent feedback from residents indicates repeat concerns with empty, underutilized buildings and buildings in poor condition. Studies indicate a strong need for more housing. Oskaloosa’s comprehensive plan includes a vision to improve quality of life, with goals for quality neighborhoods and a range of housing types, encouraging reinvestment and enhancement, conservation rather than demolition, and improving safety. One of the adopted action steps is to create a vacant building registry with inspection procedures. The program will help ensure buildings are safe, secure, and maintained with no code violations or illicit activity.
For additional information regarding vacant building registration or inspection, please visit https://www.oskaloosaiowa.org/619/Vacant-Buildings or contact the Development Services Department at 641-673-9431.