Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate was in Knoxville Friday (9/28) for a round table discussion on being “Voter Ready” for the 2018 election. He said Iowa is among the top six US states for voter registration and voter participation. Some have claimed requiring photo ID would keep people from voting. Pate says that’s not the case. “What we’ve found is that elections have gone very smoothly. We had well over 40 special elections under this new law, with no glitches. The world didn’t come to an end. We had a major primary which, in that primary, we had a record number of absentee ballots cast. It was one of the voter turnouts for the Democrats with no major glitches and the voter ID, I think, does work.”
Pate adds Iowans are now able to register to vote online, but that doesn’t mean you can vote online.