Bellfountaine Cemetery’s ‘Winter Warm Up’

(TRACY, IOWA) – Bellfountaine Cemetery Aid Society’s “Winter Warm Up” Soup & Sandwich Supper will be held at the Clay Township Fire Department in Tracy, Iowa. This event will be held Feb. 3, 2018 from 5-7 PM. The meal is for free will offering. There will be an auction for homemade baked goods, as well. […]

Clay Township Fire & Rescue Community Blood Drive

Clay Township & Fire Rescue in Tracy, Iowa will host a community blood drive from 2:00-7:00 PM on Wednesday, April 11 at 313 Woltz Street, inside of the Community Room. To donate, please contact Marci Boyd at 641-891-0268 or visit and use code 5462 to locate the drive.xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ […]



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