42 events found.
First Christian Reformed Church
Latest Past Events
IGNITE Holds Easter Morning Sunrise Service at Forest Cemetery
First Christian Reformed Church 815 North 11th Street, OskaloosaJoin IGNITE (the youth group) of Oskaloosa First Christian Reformed Church on Sunday, April 1 at 8:00 AM as they lead an Easter Sunrise Service in Forest Cemetery just north of the church. Park at the church, bring your lawn chairs and plan to join the service. There will be some space available to listen […]
First Christian Church Community Blood Drive
1st Christian Reformed Church 815 N 11th St., OskaloosaFirst Christian Reformed Church in Oskaloosa will host a community blood drive from 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Monday, Jan. 22 inside the fellowship hall, located at 815 N 11th St. To donate, please contact Sue & Gene DeBruin at 641-673-4272 or 641-673-7303 or visit www.bloodcenterimpact.org and use code 5022 to locate the drive.xosotin […]