Easter on the Oskaloosa Square

Oskaloosa Square Oskaloosa, IA, United States

The Bethesda House has reserved the Oskaloosa Town Square on Easter – Sunday April 1, 2018. They are having family-centered events throughout the day. The schedule is as follows: • 6:00 AM: Sunrise Service; • 7:15 AM: Juice & Doughnuts @ Bethesda House (201 High Avenue East); • 1:00 PM: City-wide Easter Egg Hunt (divided […]


Hotel Ottumwa Easter Buffet with the Easter Bunny

Hotel Ottumwa Ottumwa, IA, United States

Hop on down to Hotel Ottumwa for an Easter Buffet in the Crystal Ballroom with the Easter Bunny on Sunday from 10:30 until 1:30. Your family will enjoy traditional selections, hand-carved pit ham, lavish hot and cold displays and the famous Hotel Ottumwa Dessert Bar! All of this for only $18.95 per person with discounts […]



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