42 events found.
Latest Past Events
IGNITE Holds Easter Morning Sunrise Service at Forest Cemetery
First Christian Reformed Church 815 North 11th Street, OskaloosaJoin IGNITE (the youth group) of Oskaloosa First Christian Reformed Church on Sunday, April 1 at 8:00 AM as they lead an Easter Sunrise Service in Forest Cemetery just north of the church. Park at the church, bring your lawn chairs and plan to join the service. There will be some space available to listen […]
Gospel Singers Male Chorus at Union Liberty Church
Union Liberty Curch 1143 325th Street, BusseyUnion Liberty Church (1143 325th Street rural Bussey) will host the Gospel Singers Male Chorus on Sunday, March 4 at 6PM. They will be sharing this year’s musical message, “A Great Alleluia,” which includes a variety of praise and worship songs. A free will offering will be received the the Gospel Singers Ministries. A time […]