Bizarre History of Iowa, Presented by Chad Lewis

Please join The Reminisce Society on Tuesday March 20 at 10 AM at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Ottumwa for the Bizarre History of Iowa, presented by Chad Lewis. Filled with strange deaths, ghosts, sea serpents, peculiar people, medical anomalies, oddities, psychic phenomena, and UFOs, this presentation will certainly change the way you view […]

Lecture at Oskaloosa Public Library

Oskaloosa Public Library Oskaloosa, IA, United States

The Friends of the Oskaloosa Public Library welcome Tom Milligan from the Humanities Iowa series for a lecture on March 20th. Mr. Milligan will portray Ding Darling, famous Iowa cartoonist and conservationist; discussing his boyhood, career, and life’s journey. The lecture will be held at 6:30 p.m. in room A/B; third floor of the Library. […]


Sondheim Organ Spotlight Series

The Sondheim Organ Spotlight Series in Fairfield welcomes rising star on the organ pipes, Ross Jallo, for an intimate concert on the Barhydt Organ, Tuesday, March 20 at 7:30 PM at the Sondheim Theater. Jallo is a graduate of Augustana and Notre Dame and is currently pursuing his Doctorate of Musical Arts with Gregory Hand […]

Mahaska Rural Water System Annual Meeting

First Christian Church 119 A Ave East, Oskaloosa, IA, United States

The 43rd Annual Meeting of the members of Mahaska Rural Water System, Inc. will be held Tuesday, March 20 at the First Christian Church in Oskaloosa at 7:30 PM. The agenda will include the election of directors, financial report, manager’s report and other routine business. All members are invited and encouraged to attend.xosotin chelseathông tin […]

Fourth Street Temporarily Closed in Ottumwa

Ottumwa motorists are advised that Fourth Street (between Birch Street and Blake’s Street), will be closed starting Wednesday, March 21, 2018. The street closure will allow for necessary repair work on a sewer line. During the repair, both lanes of traffic will be closed. Motorists will need to seek alternate routes. With favorable weather conditions, […]

Loebsack Rep Holds Knoxville Hours

Marion County Courthouse 214 E Main Street, Knoxville, IA, United States

Brianna Dennison, Congressman Dave Loebsack’s District Representative, will be in Knoxville, Iowa on Wednesday, March 21. Dennison will be at the Marion County Courthouse from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM. She will be on hand to work with individuals who are having difficulty with a government agency, have suggestions for Dave, or would just like to share […]


Bingo at Ottumwa Eagles

Ottumwa Eagles 109 S. Green Street, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Bingo will be played at the Ottumwa Eagles on March. 22, beginning at 6:30 PM. Food and desserts will be served.xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosofutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao […]

American Gothic Annual Trivia Contest

Hotel Ottumwa Ottumwa, IA, United States

The American Gothic Performing Arts Festival will host its 6th Annual Spring Trivia Night on Friday, March 23 at the Hotel Ottumwa to benefit the organization’s upcoming summer festival. Competitors may register as a team of 10 or as individuals. Individual competitors will join other individual competitors to create their team of 10. The cost […]

Eat, Drink, & Be Awesome!

Bridge View Center 102 Church St, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Please join us for a night of fun and fundraising celebrating the work of Sieda Community Action at our 2018 Banquet and Silent Auction on Friday, March 23 at the Bridge View Center in Ottumwa. Social hour and auction beings at 5:30 PM, dinner will be served at 6:30 PM. Tickets are available at […]

Nightmare Brothers at the Eagles

Ottumwa Eagles 109 S. Green Street, Ottumwa, IA, United States

Rock and roll with the Nightmare Brothers at the Ottumwa Eagles on March 23 from 8:00 PM to midnight.xosotin chelseathông tin chuyển nhượngcâu lạc bộ bóng đá arsenalbóng đá atalantabundesligacầu thủ haalandUEFAevertonxosofutebol ao vivofutemaxmulticanaisonbethttps://bsport.fithttps://onbet88.ooohttps://i9bet.bizhttps://hi88.ooohttps://okvip.athttps://f8bet.athttps://fb88.cashhttps://vn88.cashhttps://shbet.atbóng đá world cupbóng đá inter milantin juventusbenzemala ligaclb leicester cityMUman citymessi lionelsalahnapolineymarpsgronaldoserie atottenhamvalenciaAS ROMALeverkusenac milanmbappenapolinewcastleaston villaliverpoolfa cupreal madridpremier leagueAjaxbao bong da247EPLbarcelonabournemouthaff […]


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