Donated bulletproof vests and helmets from Iowa being shipped to Ukraine

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - Eighteen Iowa law enforcement agencies have donated more than 700 bulletproof vests and nearly 150 helmets for shipment to Ukraine. A crowd in an Iowa National Guard warehouse watched…

Eight candidates face questions over nomination forms for June Primary

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - A state panel will meet later this morning to review challenges to the nominating forms for eight candidates for primary elections in June, including an incumbent who’s seeking an…

Iowa House bill addresses teacher, administrator misconduct

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - The Iowa House has voted to forbid some of the secrecy surrounding agreements between school district officials and educators who are dismissed for inappropriate conduct with students. Representative Dustin…

House votes to delay eminent domain requests for pipelines until 2023

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - The Iowa House has endorsed a temporary measure in response to landowner complaints about proposed carbon pipelines. Under the proposal, developers wouldn’t be able to apply for eminent domain…

Iowa Lottery sees impact of gas prices, inflation

BY DAR DANIELSON RADIO IOWA - Iowa Lottery sales so far this fiscal year are nearly even through February when compared to the record set last year. Iowa Lottery spokesperson, Mary Neubauer, says higher gas prices…

Statewide tornado drill set for today

BY MATT KELLEY RADIO IOWA - As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, Iowans are urged to take part in this morning’s statewide tornado drill. Meteorologist Alex Krull, at the National Weather Service in metro Des…

House GOP proposes new $12 million scholarship fund for UI, ISU, UNI

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - Republicans in the Iowa House are proposing a new 12 million dollar scholarship program for students at Iowa’s three public universities. House Speaker Pat Grassley said it’s an effort…

Filing deadline nears, GOP and Democratic Party Primary ballots appear to be set

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - The deadline is 5 p.m. today, but by midafternoon all the candidates who’ve announced campaigns for statewide office have already filing their nominating petitions in the Secretary of State’s…

Bottle Bill changes and cut in beer tax win GOP backing in Senate panel

BY O. KAY HENDERSON RADIO IOWA - Republicans on an Iowa Senate committee have approved making changes in Iowa’s Bottle Bill — tripling the amount of deposit fees that go to redemption centers that accept empties…

Plan proposes moratorium on eminent domain requests for carbon pipelines

BY O. KAY HENDERSON House Republicans appear poised to vote for a year-long moratorium that would prevent the companies planning to build carbon pipelines from seeking eminent domain to seize property along the pipeline routes. Republican…


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