Bill calls for Iowa officials to set school meals’ nutritional guidelines

By Isabella Luu (Radio Iowa)

The Iowa legislature is considering a bill to override federal nutritional requirements for school breakfast and lunch programs.

If the bill becomes law, the Iowa Department of Education would seek federal approval to adopt state-specific nutritional guidelines that make servings of meat and dairy products top priorities. The bill says regional food sources – like corn, pork and milk – are not adequately addressed by federal guidelines.

“We support this bill because it emphasizes the importance of sourcing local food as well as again helping students understand the benefits of animal-based protein such as pork at any early age and including that in their balanced diets,” said Ben Nuelle, a lobbyist with the Iowa Pork Producers Association.

Democratic Representative Sami Scheetz of Cedar Rapids disagrees with the guidelines emphasizing meat and dairy foods in the menus for school lunches and breakfasts.

“The way that this bill is written now is that we’re going to prioritize this over other food sources for our kids, and that’s just not what any nutritionist or doctor will tell you,” he said.

Federal guidelines for school meals include sodium and calorie limits and emphasize whole grains, fruits, vegetable and low-fat dairy products.The bill would have state officials seek a federal waiver and the state would develop its own set of nutritional guidelines for meals served in schools.

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