College Offering A PhD In Chocolate
Thinking about going back to school? Well the University of the West of London is looking for a PhD candidate to study chocolate. More specifically, the “microbiota of fermented cacao beans.”
According to the school, there’s been a call from the chocolate industry for forensic info about how chocolate ends up tasting the way it does. The selected candidate will receive a $18,700 grant per year to continue their study.
If you’d like to apply for the position, you have until February 27th.
Man Finds Almost $14K In Cocaine In His Chocolate Milk Powder
A man in Spain bought a tub of Nesquik powder at his local supermarket and discovered almost $13,700 worth of cocaine in a bag inside.
The unnamed shopper took the drugs to police, who confirmed it was cocaine. It’s unclear how the narcotics got there, but the man’s lawyers say drug traffickers may have targeted his client.
Regardless of how the cocaine got there, the shopper is suing the supermarket because he claims the media mocked him after news of the discovery surfaced, leaving him with “moral damage.”
Young Lotto Winner Is Considering Suing, Saying The Money Ruined Her Life
Regardless of your age, you’ve probably dreamt about winning the lotto. Scottish woman Jane Park did that at just 17, becoming the youngest EuroMillions winner in Britain’s history. Four years later, she’s considering suing the lottery, saying no one her age should have been allowed to play.
Park thinks the minimum age for playing the lotto should be 18, claiming the lottery is acting negligent by letting anyone 16 or older buy a ticket. Why is her life so hard, exactly? She says there’s “stress” that comes along with being a millionaire and it’s hard to find a boyfriend who isn’t after her money.
“I thought it would make it ten times better but it’s made it ten times worse. I wish I had no money most days. I say to myself, ‘My life would be so much easier if I hadn’t won,'” Park explains. “I have material things but apart from that my life is empty. What is my purpose in life?
Woman didn’t know her cane was a sword until getting to the airport:
An 80-year-old woman could have accidentally caused a panic because she didn’t realize her cane contained a sword until she got to a Myrtle Beach airport. According to TSA spokesperson Mark Howell, this isn’t uncommon. He says people sometimes buy the canes at thrift stores without realizing there’s a sword inside. No charges were filed against the senior citizen.
Police use a taser on a 91-year-old man:
When you think of a person worthy of a taser, you probably imagine a young, fit person with plenty of energy that is on the attack. Police in Punta Gorda, Florida apparently felt they were in danger in the hands of a 91-year-old man. They were called to an assisted living facility where they found Daniel Diaz walking in the common area without assistance and threatening staff. He was not cooperating so an officer decided using his taser would be the best way to get him into custody. It’s unclear if anyone involved in the situation is facing charges.
Men arrested for going through drive-thru on a couch:
Two men in New Brunswick, Canada are facing charges because their idea of a good time after a few drinks was to go through a McDonald’s drive-thru on a couch being towed behind an ATV. Once police lights appeared, the driver of the ATV took off, leaving behind the two drunkards, who were 28 and 39-years-old, by the way. It’s unclear what exactly the men were charged with, but they were wearing helmets at least.